Monday, January 24, 2011

Internet in Alanya

We are all different. Someone can't live without their coffee, others swear to Coca Cola and others to
cigarettes. Young people want loud music, older people quiet music. The Turks prefer driving without
helmets, we Europeans prefer a helmet.
In Scandinavia Denmark is good at soccer, Finland at hockey, Norwegians have cross country skiing
and Sweden ..... (Looong thinking pause) ... bandy. But then again only Swedish people play bandy. So
And in the UK you have the best paparazzis in Europe...

But at some point we are all alike, large or small, black or white. And we all need the Internet. Nobody can
live without it. Not even when on holiday and it is time to relax in your Turkish holiday home.

Even the older generations are writing emails, surf the net and use Skype to stay in touch with family and friends.

There are several ways to access the Internet while you are in Alanya. Here are some ways and

Your building has joint Internet:
Many owner associations have chosen to support a joint ADSL connection, which then either is distributed to
the apartments through a cable to each apartemt or a wireless outdoor network.
To establish a wireless network inside and outside is not the same, and equipment for outdoor wireless
networks are more expensive than the wireless network you might know from your own home.
This costs around $ 1000 per antenna. Taking a building on 5 floors with two apartments to each floor, 1
antenna should be enough. But it also depends on the local conditions. Is the building for instance 10 floors with 4 apartments on each floor, it will probably take 2 outdoor antennas.
And if you have 4 building with 5 floors around a communal pool area 2 to 3 antennas will probably be the
right thing.
When you have a joint ADSL connection you will have to divide the speed with the others, and the more
residents the higher the speed should be chosen.
The more people who use the Internet at the same time, the slower the connection will be. But to call, write,
email or surf, there should be speed enough for everyone. But do not expect to be able to stream live TV
from the web.

Your building has no shared ADSL connection, but would like to have one:
In that case the chairman of the owners' association must be contacted, as it should be a board decision.
The topic may also be brought up at the annual general meeting where a decision regarding wireless internet
can be made.

You want your own ADSL line:
There are two different solutions.
1: Private ADSL line
It requires that you have an open and functioning telephone line in your home, and is connected to the telephone company’s network. After signing up for a phone line, you can create your own ADSL line.
Notice that setting up a phone line requires you to have a residence permit.
As always in Turkey you must sign a bunch of papers, and I can recommend to get help from someone who knows about setting up phone lines and ADSL lines.
In most cases an ADSL line at 2MB will be fast enough, and it costs about 50 TL per month with unlimited
This is a good solution if you use your apartment very often, is online a lot and download larger amounts of

2: USB Modem
Another and easier solution is to use a USB modem. With a USB modem you log on to the web through a
mobile conncetion, and it requires no permanent phone line or ADSL line. This solution is more expensive,
but since there is no fixed monthly charges the solution will anyway be a lot cheaper for those who do not
use the web so much, do not download or upload a lot of traffic or simply use their apartment a few weeks a
Such a USB modem can be purchased in the Turkcell shop in the shopping center Alanyum. You must ask
for "Simplus 3G Internet karti".
Prices vary but are roughly as follows:
It costs a round 150 TL in starting fee. Then you can choose if you want 1GB of traffic for about 20 TL (must
be used within one week) or 4 GB for 50 TL (must used within one month).

Finally it is of course possible to visit an Internet cafe. But it's very nice to be able to sit on the balcony while
the sun goes down, take a sip of your Efes beer and write home to friends and family that life is glorious, the sun is shining and everything is going well ...

Long live the Internet

This blog-post is written by 2Base Estate Agency & My2Base Holiday Homes
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